Translate auto not working in Docker container

Hi All,

I’m trying to use the LibreTranslate docker container to translate some text. However, I am unable to actually get it to detect the language correctly.

Here is an example query:

curl -X POST "http://libretranslate:5000/translate" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "q=El%20respeto%20que%20se%20le%20brinda%20al%20personal%20y%20a%20los%20clientes&source=auto&target=en&format=text"

I get the following output:

{"translatedText":"El respeto que se le brinda al personal y a los clientes"}

When I would expect to get:

{"translatedText": "the respect given to staff and customers"}

If I run the text through the detect API, I also see this similar issue:

Example Query:

curl -X POST "http://libretranslate:5000/detect" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "q=El%20respeto%20que%20se%20le%20brinda%20al%20personal%20y%20a%20los%20clientes"

I get:


When I would expect to get:

[{"confidence": 98,"language": "es"}]

If I specify the language, es instead of using auto I get the correct result:

Example Query:

curl -X POST "http://libretranslate:5000/translate" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "q=El%20respeto%20que%20se%20le%20brinda%20al%20personal%20y%20a%20los%20clientes&source=es&target=en&format=text"


{"translatedText":"the respect given to staff and customers"}

Would anyone happen to know what would be causing this issue?

I’m using libretranslate/libretranslate:latest with the default settings which is LibreTranslate 1.2.4

If I put the text in and use Auto Detect (Experimental) it is able to correctly detect the language.