Memory leak in Argos Translate

Submitted by: kolserdav (Sergey Kolmiller) · GitHub

I have used a simple Django server for my application ana/packages/translate at 1f9d445926f9b565010667dbd0daa21fea6a1080 · kolserdav/ana · GitHub .

Django file

Django translate handler file

My Translateclass

After I start the server, I start repeating the same request with Curl:

curl -X POST -d ‘{“q”: “test”, “source”:“en”, “target”:“ru”}’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’

In another window, I open top with a filter by name python:

top | grep python

After a certain number (depending on server resources) of repeated requests, I see that the “python” process consumes a significant amount of memory. This share of memory will now never be freed, even if you stop repeating requests. This memory consumption remains until the process is restarted:

77899 kol 20 0 7468592 3.0g 174108 S 1.3 19.0 0:37.09 python
77899 kol 20 0 7697984 3.1g 174108 S 45.5 20.1 0:38.46 python
77899 kol 20 0 8418944 3.7g 174108 S 60.8 23.8 0:40.29 python
77899 kol 20 0 7730640 3.4g 174108 S 38.5 21.9 0:41.45 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 62.5 23.3 0:43.33 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 3.3 23.3 0:43.43 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 3.0 23.3 0:43.52 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 3.3 23.3 0:43.62 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 1.3 23.3 0:43.66 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 1.7 23.3 0:43.71 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 2.3 23.3 0:43.78 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 3.0 23.3 0:43.87 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 2.3 23.3 0:43.97 python
77899 kol 20 0 8091136 3.6g 174108 S 2.0 23.3 0:44.03 python

If you continue to make requests, then the process will soon crash with status 247

I was able to figure out that here

self.translator is always None on every translation request. This means that for each translation event, the program creates a new PackageTranslation instance. This can lead to a memory leak if suddenly ctranslate2 stores some process-bound data (globally).

Still, I was not able to completely eliminate the memory leak in argostranslate. A small leak was due to Django, which was avoided by switching to Bottle.

But still, if you rely on tokenization from argostranslate, a small memory leak still remains

Now I settled on a self-made tokenization and this method of translation , I don’t know how it will show itself in the future, but at least as tests show, this method completely eliminates memory leaks.

To observe the leak, I ran similar query loops in multiple windows:

for i in $(seq 1 10000) ; do curl -X POST -d ‘{“q”: “test”, “source”:“en”, “target”:“fi”}’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ ; done

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