Hello! I have a question about license.
It might be dumb, but still.
My question is can i use LibreTranslate commercially? I’m installing it locally and then use it for something like translating a text and then sell this text, for example as a book on Amazon. Or to be a commercial translator and use libretranslate for my work, is it possible?
Of course i’m gonna edit the output.
I don’t have any plans of modifications of the software itself or using software as a part of some kind of a service.
Thanks in advance!
PS. I have another question about installation. So i’m not really a tecnical user, never heard of pip before.
But when i’m trying to install Libre with latest Python i get an error, something with a word suproccess, unfortunately i don’t remember exactly. I used an older Python and installed it! So i got it to work, i’m just curious how it’s working.