LibreTranslate behind password

I’m running LibreTranslate self-hosted with a docker image, and I would like to password-protect it.
Is this option on the roadmap of future built-in features?
What are my options beyond .htaccess protection?

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You could require an API key for access.

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Yes you can use api key. If you want an authentification page before accessing libretranslate its out of scope of the libretranslate project.

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If you want a password you could also configure a reverse proxy like nginx to add basic auth prior to forwarding requests to LibreTranslate. Adding Basic Authentication with Nginx as a reverse proxy | by Laurent Bel | Pernod Ricard Tech | Medium

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I usually put my publicly accessible tools behind traefik as a reverse proxy and use authentik for authentication.

Maybe add an API key for API translations to avoid abuse and leave the web access without authentication?

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