How to read Locomotive logs?

Can someone explain logs?
[2024-07-27 14:16:41,153 INFO] Step 50/100000; acc: 5.7; ppl: 2817.4; xent: 7.9; lr: 0.00119; sents: 94389; bsz: 6318/6372/236; 8298/8370 tok/s; 305 sec;
Steps of cors I know but acc xent,lr will be great to know :wink:

Thanks in advanced

  • Acc: Accuracy
  • Ppl: Perplexity
  • Xent: Cross entropy
  • LR: Learning rate

thanks for fast replay…

can you tell me what I need looking for when traning new model?
i.e. acc should increase/drecress … what is good value?

A decreasing cross-entropy is a good metric to follow during training, but note there’s no score that can replace human evaluation if you’re trying to evaluate a model’s quality.

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