Feedback/suggest api not working in offline mode

docker run -ti -d -p 5555:5000 libretranslate/libretranslate --suggestions=true
we use the above command to setup the libretranslate locally (offline).
the translate api are wokring fine .
The suggestion/feedback api taking the feedback . But thenew suggestions/feedback are not reflecting while calling the translate api again.

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The suggest API just saves the suggestions to the database, it doesn’t immediately use the suggestions.

Once we’ve collected enough suggestions we can use them for training future neural networks.

Thanks for the quick response.

argosopentech : “Once we’ve collected enough suggestions we can use them for training future neural networks.”

Can we do it on-premises(offline) ?

You can train your own models with Argos Train.

Is there a place to add a feature request? Intuitively, “suggest” feels like it could be some sort of translation memory, a place for words and phrases to not run through the translator but instead have a custom lookup.

For example, I never want “Pueblos Magicos” to be translated as “Magical People”, but rather “Magical Villages”. I hate the idea of hacking string matches before the translation, marking it as notrans in an HTML block, then inserting my preferred translation (and managing my own pluralization, etc.).

Furthermore, I’m using a PHP version of the API Wrapper, but it’d be much better if this were in the engine and not the library that wraps the API calls.


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